Mijn favoriete mediation quotes.

Naast het lezen van boeken of artikels over bemiddeling (mediation), ben ik fan van quotes. Ze zetten mensen aan het denken. Vaak klinken quotes heel eenvoudig en logisch. We weten echter allemaal dat het in de praktijk soms anders loopt. Veel plezier met onderstaande citaten.

  • ‘Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.’ - Albert Einstein
  • ‘Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can.’ - Abraham Lincoln
  • 'In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.' - Dalai Lama
  • ‘Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.' - Niels Bohr
  • ‘The mediation by the serpent was necessary. Evil can seduce man, but cannot become man.’ - Franz Kafka
  • ‘Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.’ - John F. Kennedy
  • ‘Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.’ - Mahatma Gandhi
  • ‘You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.’ - Mick Jagger
  • ‘Conflict is inevitable but combat is optional.’ - Max Lucado
  • ‘Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.’ - Donatella Versace
  • ‘The greatest conflicts are not between two people but between one person and himself.’ - Garth Brooks
  • ‘Where wisdom reigns, there is no conflict between thinking and feeling.’ - Carl Jung
  • ‘Conflict is the primary engine of creativity and innovation.’ - Ronald A. Heifetz
  • 'Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open.' - Dalai Lama
  • ‘Follow me, the wise man said and he walked behind.’ - Leonard Cohen
  • ‘Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think.’ - Niels Bohr
  • ‘Mediation is conflict’s way of looking at itself.’ - Jeff Cohen
  • ‘Never cut what you can untie.’ - Joseph Joubert
  • 'In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.' - Albert Einstein

  • 'The best way to resolve any problem in the world is for everybody to sit down and talk.' - Dalai Lama

  • 'Mediation is the art of finding the perfect compromise.' - Quote from Unknown